The Adventures of Dod

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"I do....I keep all of the rules that need keeping!" 

~ Dilly, Book 1

"Not so fast.  I know you. You're full of tricks. The moment I turn my back, you'll disappear for another three months." 

~ Jibb, Book 2

"You're psychic! I knew it!"

~ Boot, Book 1

"In your dreams, maggot!" 

~ Dod, Book 1

"Oh, and Eluxa, if you think Bowy ever noticed you, you're the one with a horrible memory!" 

~ Boot, Book 1

"You just don't go there and expect to come back alive. Cat fights are wicked." 

~ Dod, Book 1

"Always question the unusual, but be particularly skeptical of the apparent. Your opponent, if he or she is witty, will capitalize on the obvious to ensnare you.  Don't fall for it." 

~ Youk, Book 1

"They were busy helping Boot's mommy...or is that his girlfriend?"

~ Eluxa, Book 2

 "Don't forget, you're not alive until you're really living."

~ Jack Parry, Book 2

"Whoa, Zippod! Cool down." 

~ Boot, Book 1

"Con won't mind.  If he's not here yet, we better eat while we still have a chance--that boy's as big as a barge. I'd pull a frog out my nose if he eats anything less than half-a-cow per day." 

~ Boot, Book 2

 "The day anyone from Green beats Sawb is the day I fancy up and prance the halls like Eluxa."

~ Kwit, Book 1

"Dod, you must be made of something more durable than I am. It's your lucky feet, I guess." 

~ Higga, Book 1

"Fourteen? You're hardly weaned. Where's your mother? I should expect she is worried stiff that you've escaped your crib....Perhaps you've lost your way..."

~ Sirlonk, Book 1

"Fine enough, but can't you let an old lady like myself use your facility first.  I'm likely to leak any minute. Your men rudely dragged me away from the shipyard, claiming I was trouble..." 

~ Ingrid, Book 2

 "I'll have you for lunch. You're a nobody."

~ Sawb, Book 1

 "It's the best in all of us, the grand dream, the lingering hope of what my family trusts can one day become everyone's inheritance."

~ Dilly, Book 1

"My pies, Boot! Dilly didn't tell me he was a Coosing....How come I'm the last to hear about these kinds of things? I see he's sporting the ring. That's fantastic!"

~ Mercy, Book 1

"I think part of me has already fallen asleep--not because of your stories, they're wonderful.  I just have--ah--a problem with my legs." 

~ Dod, Book 1

 "Justice needs to be served, and I'm more than ready to dish it out!"

~ Boot, Book 1

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