The Adventures of Dod

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"I'd imagine all sorts of foolish articles will post about me--how I hate noble billies. They'll claim the most absurd things..." 

~ Strat, Book 2

" There are only two kinds of people in the world. The kind that do stuff and the kind that always talk about doing stuff. Nobody's in between." 

~ Jack Parry, Book 2

"As you can all see, I'm a fortunate man indeed..." 

~ Commendus, Book 2

"I thought I told you to run, boy!  Apparently my legs work just fine."

~ Dod, Book 1

 "Show them you're a Chantolli, my boy!  Show them!"

~ Juny, Book 2

"You putrid, loathing, degenerate snake!" 

~ Dod, Book 1

 "Yes, I'd agree this whole place has gone twirling mad!"

~ Sirlonk, Book 1

 "If The Dread is among us, then we must act normal.  Any suspicious behavior would certainly lead to a swift and fatal meeting with him!"

~ Dilly, Book 1

"My pies, Boot! Dilly didn't tell me he was a Coosing....How come I'm the last to hear about these kinds of things? I see he's sporting the ring. That's fantastic!"

~ Mercy, Book 1

"Quiet as a mouse.  What would he have been shouting about?" 

~ Dilly, Book 2

"We need another quick mind around here these days--tough times with the likes of Dreaderious and his kind lurking about."

~ Mercy, Book 1

"I'd like strawberry jam on my toast."

~ Dod, Book 1

"He's old enough to know what he wants, rich enough to buy what he wants, and powerful enough to win whomever he wants. He's got the tri-trumpous!" 

~ Pone, Book 2

 "It's the best in all of us, the grand dream, the lingering hope of what my family trusts can one day become everyone's inheritance."

~ Dilly, Book 1

"Not so fast.  I know you. You're full of tricks. The moment I turn my back, you'll disappear for another three months." 

~ Jibb, Book 2

 "I'll have you for lunch. You're a nobody."

~ Sawb, Book 1

"You better hurry, Dod.  You've got to sign in or Mr. Clair won't let you duel--and you're up first in the level-five ring." 

~ Pone, Book 2

"I'm serious about bad luck. It's funny until it happens to you..." 

~ Sawny, Book 1

"I almost didn't recognize you with a shirt on." 

~ Dari, Book 2

"No worries, honey.  I can keep up with you if you help me." 

~ Ingrid, Book 2

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